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on WLVB, 93.9 FM!
10/25/23 : National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day
Tom and Sarah discuss options for safely and responsibly disposing of unwanted medications, including at the fall 2023 National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, October 28, 2023.
DEA - National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day
LRSWMD - Medications Disposal
VT Dept. of Health Prescription Drug Disposal
Request a Free Medication Mailback Envelope
Don’t Flush It Guide!
10/18/23 : Paper Recycling
Tom and Sarah discuss paper recycling and LRSWMD Outreach offerings.
LRSWMD - Paper Recycling
LRSWMD - Shredded Paper
EPA - Paper & Paperboard
American Forest & Paper Association - Does Paper Actually Get Recycled?
10/11/23 : Wheels for Warmth - Tire Recycling and Donations
Tom and Sarah discuss Wheels for Warmth and why it’s important to responsibly dispose of tires.
10/4/23 : Halloween Costumes
Tom and Sarah discuss Halloween waste and alternatives for buying costumes.
10 Spooky Facts About Halloween Waste and 5 Ways to Reduce It
The Spookiest Thing About Halloween? The Waste
Terrifying Trash - Halloween Costume Waste in the US
No-Sew Halloween Costumes
9/27/23 : Compost in the Fall
Tom and Sarah discuss LRSWMD’s composting facility, Lamoille Soil, and why fall is a great time to add compost to your soil.
Bennet Compost - The Best Time to Apply Compost: Fall!
Coeur d’Alene Coop - Compost in the Fall Garden: Why It’s Important
LRSWMD - Compost for Sale
Lamoille Soil
LRSWMD - Organics Acceptable Materials
9/13/23 : Leaf & Yard Waste
Tpm and Sarah discuss the impacts of leaf & yard waste in landfills* and some options for what to do with them instead. *Leaf & yard waste is banned from the trash in Vermont
LRSWMD - Leaf & Yard Waste
Xerces Society - Leave the Leaves
EPA - Yard Trimmings
Joe Gardener - How to Use Fall Leaves as Garden Mulch
Earth Easy - Autumn Leaves & Compost
9/6/23 : Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Roland and Sarah discuss the Who, What, When, Where, Why & How of LRSWMD’s upcoming household hazardous waste (HHW) collection on September 9, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm at Lamoille Union High School, Hyde Park.
LRSWMD - HHW Collections
LRSWMD - HHW Accepted Items
EPA - Hazardous Waste
VT DEC - Hazardous Waste
8/30/23 : Lemons
National Lemon Juice Day was Aug 29. What do lemons have to do with trash? Turns out a lot. Listen in as Tom and Sarah discuss storage tips for prolonging lemons’ shelf life and how you can use lemon juice as a natural cleaning product around the house (but not on all surfaces or materials*!). And what do you do if you already have lemons that have dried out? Try nuking them in the microwave for 15-20 sec to rehydrate them or roll them around on the counter while applying pressure.
How to Store Lemons the Right Way
5 Quick Ways to Get More Juice Out of a Lemon (also good ways to revitalize a dried or drying-out lemon)
How to Make Homemade Window Cleaner
12 Ways to Remove Hard Water Stains Using Lemons
Green Cleaning - Stain Removal with Lemon Juice
18 Ways to Clean With Lemon
*Always test a cleaning product, especially a bleaching agent like lemon juice, on an inconspicuous spot.
8/23/23 : World Water Week
Tom and Sarah discuss the “hidden” water in every day objects, from food scraps and leachate “trash juice” to industrial wastewater.
The Hidden Water in Everyday Products
How Much Water It Takes to Create 30 Common Items
Recycling and Water Conservation
When you Waste Food, You’re Wasting Tons of Water, Too
The Hidden Cost of Clothing is a Water Pollution Crisis
Water Conservation Facts and Tips
Interesting Facts about Recycling and Water
World Water Week
8/16/23 : Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Tom and Sarah discuss LRSWMD’s upcoming household hazardous waste (HHW) collection on September 9, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm at Lamoille Union High School, Hyde Park.
LRSWMD - HHW Collections
LRSWMD - HHW Accepted Items
LRSWMD - Business Registration
EPA - Hazardous Waste
VT DEC - Hazardous Waste
8/9/23 : Film Plastics/Plastic Bags
Tom and Sarah talk about why it’s important to keep plastic bags out of the mixed recycling and what you can do instead.
NexTrex Plastic Bag & Film Recycling
NexTrex School & Community Recycling Programs
LRSWMD - Plastic Bags
8/2/23 : Used Oil & Paint
Tom and Sarah discuss the landfill bans of used oil and paint and how Vermonters can responsibly dispose of them — free year-round drop-off options OR at a bi-annual LRSWMD Household Hazardous Waste Collection ($10/household).
EPA - Managing, Recycling, and Reusing Used Oil
VT DEC - Used Oil
VT DEC - Proper Recycling and Disposal of Paint
LRSWMD - Paint
LRSWMD - Hazardous Waste
7/26/23 : Batteries and Electronics
Tom and Sarah discuss the landfill bans of batteries and electronics and how Vermonters can drop them off for free instead of putting them in the trash.
Call2Recycle - Free Battery Recycling
VT Department of Environmental Conservation - Electronics
LRSWMD - Batteries
LRSWMD - Cell Phones
LRSWMD - Electronics
7/19/23 : Flood Debris - Safe Disposal & Resources
Tom and Sarah discuss flood debris and clean-up efforts around the state.
Agency of Natural Resources - Flood Resources
Cleaning Up After a Flood
United Way Lamoille - Flooding Resources
Vermont Public - What to Know About Returning Home After a Flood
7/12/23 : Flood Debris - Safe Disposal
Tom and Sarah discuss the safe disposal of flood debris after the devastating rains this week.
Agency of Natural Resources - Flood Resources
Cleaning Up After a Flood
United Way Lamoille - Flooding Resources
Vermont Public - What to Know About Returning Home After a Flood
7/5/23 : Recycling Rules - The How
Tom and Sarah talk about what guidelines to follow when deciding whether to put something in the blue bin for mixed recycling.
Blue-bin Recycling
Recycle Like You Live Here
How Recycling Works: Behind the Scenes at the MRF
6/28/23 : Recycling Rules - The Why
Tom and Sarah talk about why we have rules for recycling, “wish-cycling” and why you shouldn’t just put any old item in the recycling bin.
Blue-bin Recycling
MRFs face ‘brunt of the negative impact’ from battery fires
Tanglers Slow Recycling Efforts
How Recycling Works: Behind the Scenes at the MRF
6/21/23 : LRSWMD Price Increases
Tom and Sarah talk about upcoming price increases at LRSWMD sites, effective 7/1/23.
LRSWMD - Trash
LRSWMD - Mixed Recyclables
LRSWMD - Food Scraps
LRSWMD - Tires
Tires - Wheels for Warmth
LRSWMD - Furniture